Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Just Another Trite Populism Stump Speech Filled with Prevarications and Obfuscations of Fact.

by Robert Janicki
On Tuesday night, President Obama defiantly gave Americans the single finger salute as he vowed to veto any legislation that diminishes Obamacare, Dodd-Frank or his unilateral amnesty action done through the stroke of a pen with an Executive Order.
Obama tried to paint an economic picture embellished with a rosy glow of unreal accomplishments from a growing economy, shrinking deficits, bustling industry, and booming energy production.  
The economy has had the slowest recession recovery in 70 years.  The American economy is still in a fragile state and has not returned to the growth rate of previous recession recovery periods.
The claim of shrinking deficits is only true in the context of Obama having run up the deficit greater than any other president before him and only now has deficit spending begun to slow down. 
Industry has grown, not because of Obama policy, but despite the crushing policies of Obama's agencies inflicting onerous and costly regulations on American industry.  
Finally, booming energy production is due to the private sector which has increased crude oil and natural gas production 67% on private and state lands compared to a measly growth rate of only 6% on federal lands.  And even that growth rate on federal lands only occurred because of private  lawsuits brought against the Obama administration in federal court forcing federal regulatory agencies to do their job of approving oil and gas leases on federal land according to federal law. 
Again, Obama perfunctorily injected several personal homilies of Americans in distress as he does in his major speeches.  The SOTU speech had the same humdrum feel of his many campaign stump speeches of the past.  President Obama did not lay out a cogent and coherent plan to bring along America into the inevitable future it will face either domestically with the economy, the area of foreign relations or national security in the face of the greatest challenge to American liberty and freedom with Islamist terrorists around the world.
Obama once again played the divide and conquer game of pitting the wealthy against the middle class and the poor, by calling for raising taxes on the wealthy to redistribute their wealth, as if the wealth of America is static and the wealthy have stolen wealth from the poor and middle class to attain their "unearned" wealth in the form of tax loopholes like capital gains compared to "earned" income of the working class.
What liberals refuse to acknowledge is that without the wealthy investing and putting their wealth "at risk" of losing value, there would be little economic growth in America.  Wealthy Americans are rewarded only when their risks are overcome by good business decisions in the private sector.  The working class does not have the same risk, since their reward is an immediate return for their labor and cannot be recalled should their employers fail to make a profit.
Raising taxes for any purpose at a time when the American economy is still in such a fragile state borders on malfeasance of Obama's leadership.  Obama's plan, like all historical liberalism, is to raise taxes, borrow more money and then to throw that money at the problem of income disparity.  Basically, Obama is seeking to reward his constituency at the expense of the producers who foot the bill for his delusions of Marxist socialist wealth redistribution.  
With Obama, it's always more "cowbell" government spending over and over again.  With a Republican Congress, I expect there will be no "cowbell" spending, the likes of which we have seen in the past six years.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Obama To Address Congress in Annual Manure Spread

Yes, it time again for Barack Obama's 6th annual presidential manure spreading festival know to American as "The State of the Union" Speech. This years addition to history is sure to be just as mind-numbing as in past years and with even more lofty unworkable ideals and Utopian dreams Barack Obama is known for.  

SOTU Bullshit Bingo enthusiast are sure to be pleased by this years event with such great catchwords as "Cuba" "Taxes" and "Free".

But we're sure to be entertained as in past years despite the droning speech, watching Joe Biden fidget around and start chuckling for no apparent reason, and John Boehner getting that pained look on his face like he's passing a kidney stone and wishing he could get up and go outside and light up a Marlboro.  Good Times, Good Times.

The President seen putting the finishing touches and polishing his address with speech writers

Monday, January 19, 2015

American Sniper Promotes Unrealistic Beauty Standards for Babies........ Retarded Snark From the Left

The Lefties continue to outdo themselves by writing retarded pieces that turn their ideology into a satirical parody of itself.  The most recent example is their collective temper tantrum over American Sniper,  truly something to behold:
"Much has been made of American Sniper, the Oscar-nominated, Clint Eastwood smash about a Navy SEAL with boy-band good looks and the cunning mind of a serial killer. But thus far obscured in the meditative pieces from media thought leaders about “the thrilling anticipation of gun play” and how it is “doing amazing business in its limited release” is the fact that it shamefully promotes unrealistic beauty standards for babies. 
The film notoriously forewent actual child actors in favor of plastic baby dolls, presumably to avoid traumatizing real babies from the terror of being in the same room as director Clint Eastwood....."
The entire “article” will leave you dumbfounded that they could be so intellectually retarded. Then again, this is Jezebel…a site without a brain, scruples or writing skills. They likely hire SJW’s off Tumblr…yes, they are that ignorant. Their vernacular is moron…nothing more.

Our Middle Finger Salutes You!

Mohammad Image of the Day

Muhammad in Hell

Image; Gustave Dore via IOTWReport 

So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush. (Koran 9:5)

"And who is the greatest sower of discord in Dante’s Hell? It is none other than Muhammad (spelled Mahomet in Ciardi’s traditional spelling), who, as has often observed, was the greatest hater and generator of hatred in history,  teaching Moslems for the last 1,400 years that all non-Moslems are perverse enemies of Allah who deserve to be killed for the crime of not believing in Allah and his Prophet; the man who launched a war of Moslems against all of non-Moslem humanity that cannot end so long as Islam exists."

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Al Sharpton Goes After Green Bay Packers Organization



MFNS - Immediately following the NFC Championship game between the Green Bay Packers and the Seattle Seahawks, the Rev. Al Sharpton and his National Action Network shot off an angry letter to the Packers home office.

The letter, authored by Sharpton himself and translated by his staff, accused the entire Green Bay Coaching Staff of conspiracy and underhanded tactics to gain unfair advantage in the Championship Game: 
"The almost total domination  through most of the game of the all African-American Seahawk defense squad by Green Bay's mostly Caucasian offense we find unacceptable in this day and age of professional football.  
The use of so many white players against the reigning Super Bowl Champions was a calculated move to embarrass people of color and the black community in general. We also see the blatant theft of 4 of Seattle's forward passes shows Green Bay's lack of respect of an African American quarterback....."  
Sharpton said the Green Bay organization should bring their team into line with the NFL standard of more African-American players and to assure their rightful player positions on the field, and also to assure against white privilege or an advantage over other teams. The complaint was also forwarded to the NFL Headquarters for review.

No word to whether protest marches are planned.

The Future Through a Looking Glass Darkly

by Robert Janicki
Since the 114th Congress was sworn in on January 6th, we have gotten a preview of things to come from President Obama and they aren't pretty.  Even before the new Congress was sworn in, Obama threatened to veto any legislation sent over from the Republican Congress that he didn't like.  This was a very telling indicator of things to come, despite Obama's follow up rhetoric that 'he was willing to work with Congress where he could.'
No Mr. President.  You have absolutely no intention of working with the Republican Congress.  In six years you have demonstrated one substantial fact.  You have no negotiating skills whatsoever.  You have repeatedly tried, and often been successful with, bludgeoning Republicans, rather than even trying to negotiate with them.  Of course with RINO's, that hasn't exactly been a real challenge for you, since they seem to surrender faster than the French or Italians.  But enough of this historical recitation of Republican weakness.  
Lest we forget Obama's early adult years, remember that he began as a community organizer.  CO's don't negotiate.  They demand.  They lay it out in terms of what you are going to do for them or else suffer the political or monetary repercussions.  CO's are very good at laying out the consequences of not acceding to their demands.  This isn't leadership, unless you're a Capo in the Mafia.  
CO's walk the legal line, which is very close to extortion.  All we have to do is look to the Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson, Sr. community organizing business model.  The only difference between these two otherwise street thugs and the run of the mill street thugs is that they have a better plan and dress better.  And Obama is even a better dressed than these two race baiting hate mongers and with a hell of a lot more means to force compliance to his wishes.
Obama has taken the Sharpton/Jackson business model and run with it as president.  He's taken what can be best described as a cottage industry created by Sharpton/Jackson and made it a corporate model on an almost global scale, with the power of the presidency in the form of his pen and phone as he issues Executive Orders and Executive Memoranda.  By the way, Executive Memorandums do NOT go into the Congressional Record as do Executive Orders.  Hence, the public does not really know of all the orders that Obama has really issued.  
All one has to do is look to the  power Obama has exercised in retribution as he uses the IRS and the EPA as his most notable agents of mayhem, since they are the two most prominent means of coercing recalcitrant victims to see the light of Obama's political righteousness or at least roll over and play dead as RINO's are so experienced at.

Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

I'll Attempt to Explain......

I have recently received email from two different regular reader of this blog about the apparent turn to a darker more serious tone. For this I apologize, and I will attempt in as short a way as possible to explain.

Every year I write a letter to my mother, a letter that will not be sent.  She did not live long enough to see me grow to be a woman.  It’s cathartic for me,  gives me time to reflect and ask myself "would she be proud of who I've become?" 

For those who do not know, I am a product of a wonderful Scottish born musician father many of you over 40 might recognize his voice, but not his name, and an American mother.  My father's work kept them in Europe most of the time and they chose to settled in a small quiet Belgian town for privacy. I was born in Brussels. 

My earliest memories of childhood are of picking wild flowers with my mother in the gently rolling hills above the Flanders Military Cemetery near where we lived. These grassy hills became our favorite picnic spot, and where she taught me the things a mother teaches her daughter; why the sky is blue, how to braid you hair, and in my case, why those 500 white crosses lay below us.  

She never let me forget the fact she was American, and so was I to be. She taught me the Pledge of Allegiance, and me and my friends the game of baseball.  We had watermelon and strawberry shortcake on 4th of July. 

In the summer she would take me to the open air markets to buy fresh fruit and flowers she loved to filled the house with. I also remember many times dark haired, dark eyed men in the market, men who dressed and spoke differently than my father, watching me and sometime felt them touching my hair.  One day, as a young teenager shopping with my mother, two of these dark haired men touched me inappropriately. My mother turned and slapped one of the men in the face. He began yelling words I did not understand and knocked my mother to the ground. It was while recuperating from that incident that doctors found the cancer that would eventually take her from us a little over a year later. 

What I saw in those men’s faces that hurt my mother was evil rage that I had never seen and did not understand. 

They were muslims. Immigrants from a nearby enclave. 

The events in Europe this past week have brought feeling to the surface I did not expect. The letter to my mother has made my mood somber, yet angry.  I have tried to write about other thing here to no avail. I have been consumed by anger at the memory of what was done to my mother, and the growing concern for my childhood friends and their young children.

I have seen many angry men, none like I saw that day. I was raised by my parents to be compassionate, and later by my aunt to be the proper Southern Belle I believe I've become. But when I see scenes of muslims men in the news, I recognize the same soulless evil I saw that day in the market.

I have an deep affinity for the European people that most Americans will not understand. I lived among them and was one of them as a child. I don’t expect anyone to understand. What we see happening in Europe now is no one's fault but their own, it's self inflicted. It is now up to us to make sure we don't place ourselves in evil’s way as they have. 

It hurts me deeply to see it happening, and to put it into words to my mother……

European Leaders Guilty of 'Moral Cowardice'

The Telegraph
Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) , says that European leaders have been guilty of 'moral cowardice' in failing to challenge extremists.
Most big French cities have areas which have become "no-go zones" which non-Muslims and even police cannot enter, Nigel Farage has said.
The Ukip leader said that Britain and European countries have suffered from "moral cowardice" and allowed "big ghettos" to develop. He said: "It's happening right across Europe. We have got no-go zones in most of the big French cities. We've been turning a blind eye to preachers of hate that have been coming here from the Middle East and saying things for which the rest of us would be arrested. 
 "In parts of northern England we've seen the sexual grooming of under-age girls committed by Muslim men, in the majority, and for all of these things we are seeing the law not being applied equally, we're seeing the police forces not doing their job because we've suffered from moral cowardice.
 "We have through mass immigration and through not checking the details of those people who have come to our countries, we have allowed big ghettos to develop and when it comes to confronting tough issues and that is why we're in the mess we're in, we've been led very badly."

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Smells Like Another Shake-Down in the Making

Al Sharpton Calls Emergency Meeting Because
He Didn’t Like the Oscar Nominations

Victory Girls
"Al Sharpton has apparently moved on from Ferguson, New York, and any other place he’s been protesting lately, and has decided to call immediate emergency attention to the great crisis of the moment.
What is that great crisis? The Oscar nominations were announced this morning, and no black people or “people of color” were nominated for any acting awards. The Reverend Al is quite upset. Quite. Upset."

"The problem is, the Reverend Al is upset with the rich Hollywood liberals who chose these nominees. From the Oscars website:
"Nomination ballots are mailed to the Academy’s active members in late December and are due back to PricewaterhouseCoopers, an international accounting firm, in January.
Regular awards are presented for outstanding individual or collective film achievements in up to 25 categories. Members from each of the branches vote to determine the nominees in their respective categories – actors nominate actors, film editors nominate film editors, etc. However, within the Animated Feature Film and Foreign Language Film categories, nominations are selected by vote of multi-branch screening committees.
All voting members are eligible to select the Best Picture nominees....." 

George Soros Funded Commie Claims Mantle of MLK

Notorious Red Exploits King Legacy

Janel Davis of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that a “noted scholar, author and veteran civil rights activist", Angela Davis, will deliver the keynote address January 18 at Kennesaw State University’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day observance. 

This is the same notorious snaggle-toothed  60's radical Angela Davis “who supported the imprisonment of Soviet political dissidents (calling them common criminals), cheered on the 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, and was awarded the International Lenin Peace Prize (formerly the International Stalin Peace Prize) by communist East Germany. 

Davis shaking hands with the former Stalinist East German dictator, Erich Honecker

Davis, former self-styled "political prisoner", tried and acquitted of suspected involvement in the abduction and murder of Judge Harold Haley in Marin County California in 1970, unrepentant Communist Party member, the US Communist Party Vice-Presidential candidate in 1980 and 1984, and now retired professor of history of consciousness and feminist studies at UC Santa Cruz.

Davis was made an honorary professor at Moscow State University. When she toured the Soviet Union she was used as a propaganda tool by the Brezhnev government. The torture, judicial executions, slave labour camps, political famines and mass murders of the Communist world weren't Davis’s concern.

From AIM
Now Davis is claiming the mantle of Dr. Martin Luther King, a man honored by Americans for his commitment to peaceful change. Many young blacks may be duped into believing that Davis is somehow in the same league as Dr. King, as a result of papers like the Atlanta Journal-Constitution sanitizing her career. The Davis speech is sponsored by the Kennesaw State African-American Student Alliance.
Martin Luther King was controversial in his day but obviously is a much more accepted figure. Things like that change. 
One thing that has changed is that we have a media which censors the truth about people like Davis who rip off the system in order to destroy it.
In addition to pocketing tens of thousands of capitalist dollars from colleges and universities, the Angela Davis group called Critical Resistance,  gets massive funding from noted leftest George Soros through his Open Society Foundation.
Critical Resistance aims to empty the prisons of the United States, since criminals are considered victims of a capitalist society.
Those who believe communism is dead might be surprised to learn that in 2012 she gave a speech calling for “combating anti-communism.” At the same time, she has adopted the cause of radical Islam, declaring “Islamophobia” to be a major threat, the communist People’s World reported. 
The phenomenon of utopia-seeking Western intellectuals and the idealization of other social systems as essentially superior, whatever their "flaws" is due to estrangement. In other words, a disparagement of the West, a subculture of alienation, an adversary culture obsessed with the defects of its own society; hence their lack of self-criticism, shame, and guilt, much the same as we see in Black culture of America today. 

From my reading of history, that's not exactly what MLK had in mind.

The Future Does Not Belong to Those Who Slander Bacon!

Meet the Newest Member of the House Intelligence Committee

Also known for stating Tea party members of Congress want blacks 'hanging on a tree'

Daily Mail
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is set to appoint a Muslim lawmaker to the Intelligence Committee, congressional aides said Tuesday, giving him access to some of America's most closely held secrets in the war on terror. The move will come as the world is still grappling with an al-Qaeda death squad's massacre last week of journalists at the French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo, executed because they had published a cartoon of the Muslim prophet Muhammad.
Rep. André Carson has attracted suspicion for his public statements, including a 2012 Islamic Circle of North America convention where he said America's schools should be modelled after Qur'anic madrassas.
Moments later he warned undercover law enforcement skulking around the event looking for 'secret meetings' that 'Allah will not allow you to stop us.' 

His elevation to the House Intelligence Committee, first reported by Politico, will cause rumbles among lawmakers who charge that the U.S. government – particularly the Obama administration – has studiously avoided linking Islam with the steady stream of deadly attacks that plague Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
'There are over 7 million Muslims in this country,' Carson told the crowd. 'And while we are under attack, we cannot retreat.'